The cardiologist appointment on 11/12 went well. She had a chest x-ray, EKG, and Echo done. There is till a residual leak, but only one now, that they are monitoring. We go back on 11/26 for a check-up.
Ashlyn is two months old now! We had her well baby check on 11/18 and everything looks good. She had her immunizations and we also talked about the Synergist (RSV vaccination). They said they have trouble getting it there because it is a $200 vaccine so hopefully she can get it at the cardiologist. They need it every month during RSV season. Dr. Rodriguez also hooked her up to the pulseOx and she was running 98/99 for oxygen saturation! Way up from 80-84 pre-surgery.
She is so smiley now and coos and "talks" with us often. She has changed so much already and loves attention. If I don't look at her when she is eating. she will make little noises to get my attention. She also has started to find her fingers and chew on them.
Ashlyn is eating a lot now. The last few days it has been 3 ounces every two hours sometimes three hours. But she has been sleeping great through the night, 6-7 hours. So I would much rather feed her every two hours than get up twice a night! Her scar is healing nicely as you can see below.
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