Wednesday, November 26, 2008

11/26/08 Cardiologist appointment

Ashlyn had a cardiologist appointment today. He O2 saturation was 98%, which is great! Dr. Huhta also took her off the Enalipril, which means she is not on any meds! She weighed in at 10lbs. 14 oz. and last Tuesday she was 10 lbs. 1 oz. so she is gaining weight great. She should be for eating 4 ounces most of the time every two hours! She had an Echo and an EKG and it looked good. She still has a leak around the VSD patch, but that should closeup on it's own in time. All in all he said she looks great and healthy. Now we are in the process of getting her insurance to approve the Synergist vaccine for RSV. They don't like to pay for it, seeing it is $200 a shot, but in her weakened condition it would be very dangerous for her to get RSV. So hoping that goes through for her. Her next appointment is not until January 9. Next Wednesday we will be going to our first Mended Little Hearts meeting which is a support group for families of children with congenital heart defects. I am looking forward to it! Everyone else is doing great. I am still home with the girls, Ashlyn isn't ready for day care yet. Saphyre joined Girl Scouts this week, which will be very good for her. Brooke is getting bigger and smarter each day, and is a great help to Mommy, but can be a sassy brat when she wants too! We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving, this year we have a lot to be thankful for!

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