Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thanks to everyone

Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers and support. I started this blog to keep all my friends, family and supporters in the loop as we undergo this scary journey. I will try to update at least once a day about her progress. I have posted pictures for each day she has been in at All Children's. I also included the story of how this all began.

As of 9:10pm tonight, she had her first feed since Saturday night of 5 cc at 7:00 pm. She wanted more! They have to gradually increase the amount though. She is doing amazingly well, has been off oxygen since 4:15pm yesterday and her PGE's since 4:00 am this morning. Her oxygen has stayed above 85% saturation. She was fed some sugar water earlier today too, and enjoyed it. I was also able to hold her today for the first time since Saturday. Her next feed is at 10:00pm. She was feed formula, but I let the nurse know that I have been pumping and there is breast milk in the deep freeze at the hospital.

I also spoke with the surgeon Dr. Jacobs tonight. He has tentatively scheduled surgery for this upcoming Tuesday. They are still taking it day by day and will know more after another EKG ultrasound on Thursday. If she continues to feed well, which I think she will, and everything remains good, they may put off the surgery. Otherwise she will go in Tuesday morning. Their main concern with t he surgery is not reversing the valves but the smaller ones that are vital for heart function. He does expect it to go well, but there can always be complications.

At this point, it is no longer in my hands. All I can do is pray for a safe and successful surgery and recovery. I look forward to the day we can finally take our sweet baby girl home and to her sisters. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. It means a lot to us!

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