Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 8 (9/28/08)

Nothing real new today. She seems to be doing well with her medicine. It's called Digoxin and it is used for improving a weakened heart and to treat a fast heart beat. The nurse printed out some information for us to read about it.
John and his Mom came with me today. It was the first time John was able to see her, besides pictures, in almost a week, and the first time for his Mom since the day she was born. Daddy was also able to feed and hold her for the first time in over a week. Nana had lots of snuggle time too.
She continues to do well and her vitals remain good. She was alert for quite awhile today and was eating well. I tried to breast feed her, but she wouldn't latch on, so we opted for the bottle of breast milk. This way Daddy was able to feed her. We will try more when we get home, but more than likely I will continue to pump for her.
When I went to change her before her feed, she had a bm. Then after John feed her she had another. Then he left to find me, and she had one for his Mom. After I came back from pumping she had another for me, and a few minutes after I changed her, she had another one. It's not like we didn't wait a few minutes after she did to see if she was finished lol. I guess she just likes doing it in a fresh diaper. I hope this doesn't continue because we are going to go though diapers like crazy! She was changed five times in a little over an hour!

1 comment:

Twisted Sister said...

Awww, she sounds like a good little eater and pooper!!! I hope the breast stuff gets a little easier at home.