Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 4 (9/24/08)

Ashlyn continued to do very well today. Her feeds were good, though she wanted more and was sure to let all the nurses know! Her lungs definitely are working great. They started her feeds at 10 cc (about 1/3 ounce) this morning and were increasing it by 10 cc each feeding. She was drinking 2 ounces of formula in the hospital before this happened so she is not happy about the amount, but they need to increase slowly. She is still off the oxygen and was very alert today. My Mom came with me and was able to hold her too, the first time in almost a week. We arrived just as they were feeding her, and when the next feed time came around I was able to try to breastfeed. She tried very hard to latch on, and then I fed her breast milk from a bottle. She also gave Grandma a hard time when I went to pump, she wanted more food and was very upset that the pacifier did not provide milk.

Tomorrow is a big day. Not only will she be one week, but she also has her EKG to see how her aorta is doing. If it is narrowing, she will have surgery Tuesday, if not then they will probably hold off until she is a month to a month and a half old. Also, she will need blood for her surgery so if you are O+ and in Florida and would like to donate, please let me know. There are some guidelines I would need to let you know about.

I called tonight a little after 8:00. She was feeding and her weight is up to 7lbs. 12 oz. She was 7 lbs. 8 oz. a birth, so she is gaining weight well. She is now up to 45 cc of breast milk, about 1 1/2 ounces. They will allow her to go up to 2 1/2 ounces, which should make her very happy.

Thanks again for all your continued support and prayers. They are working more each day!

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