Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 5 (9/25/08) Looking up!

Today was a very promising day. She has been eating very well, 2 ounces each feeding and is much more content. She was quite alert during the feeding looking at me, Grampy and my sister Jodi. I spoke with the Cardiologist on call to find out the results of the Echo. So far it looks good, the arch (PDA) between the aorta and pulmonary artery is still open a little bit, but the aorta is not narrowing. It shouldn't narrow a significant amount before the PDA closes all the way. She did not expect them to do surgery Tuesday, but she isn't sure what her Cardiologist was thinking.
I called to check on her a little while ago. I was transferred about 8 times and started to get a little nervous. But it was a good thing. They had more babies arrive today and had to move someone up. From Pod 2 she was in the best shape and was bumped up to Pod 4! From the way the social worker Elaine described it this morning, they move up from Pod to Pod and after Pod 4, they moved up to the third floor NICU. This means they are closer to being discharged!
Her nurse Holly said she has been sleeping since she got there and was getting ready to feed her. She is going to read the Cardiology report more thoroughly and when I call later tonight she will give me more detail. Basically, she said they are probably going to do the surgery in 6-8 weeks. The arch (PDA) is still open but she said it opens and closes and as long as it doesn't cause her trouble, she will do okay. So far so good! She will come home before surgery and she said it may be as early as the beginning of next week! As long as she continues to eat well, urinate and have bm's, and her vitals remain good. She also said it was a good graduation from Pod 2 to Pod 4.
Things are definitely looking up and hopefully soon I get to take our baby girl home! I am also looking into the blood donation thing. My Mom thinks there is a way to donate in her name so she gets credit for it, regardless of your blood type or if they can use it for her. I know there are a lot of you locally and around the country who would be willing to donate for Ashlyn, and when I find out more information tomorrow. I will post it here.
Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and support, she is improving each day. I would also like to add a special thanks to my best friend Jessica's work for their generous donations to help our family out. Thank you for helping in our time of need and as soon as I can I will send photos and a card to you all. I would also like to thank my parents for all they have done and are doing for us, and being there when I needed them most, not that I ever doubted they wouldn't. And Jessica, who truly is my best friend for many years who has stood by me through everything. I hope one day I can help you the way you help me. I love you all!

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