Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cardiologist Appt, 1/9/09

Chunky butt is up to 13lbs. 14 oz. and in the 70th percentile!!! Her heart is looking good, still a small hole but doesn't seem to be getting larger. She is still off meds but he may put her on lasix next month. She is breathing abdominal breathing when she gets upset and we also think she has a little cold. She had been coughing a lot, so he wants to look at her when she gets over it to see is she needs to go on lasix (diuretic). He also wants to keep her home still, to avoid extra exposure to germs. She has been home for two months already! Surgery was over 2 1/2 month ago too. It has gone quick.

Ashlyn is super alert now and tries to pull herself up to a sitting position when propped up. Still hating tummy time, but holds her head up well when we do it and likes inverted tummy time. She is also grabbing at things and starting to play with toys.We had a few real rough days last week with the coughing and fussiness. She wanted Mommy to hold her a lot. She is trying to laugh too. She will be four months old on the 18th. Here are some recent pictures:

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